780-594-5421 info@cannacoldlake.ca
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Quality & Prices

You Can Trust!

What is Canna Cold Lake?

Canna Cold Lake is a group of professionals that holds a higher standard for both quality product and service. Our clients privacy and satisfaction are our top priority. we are a 100% Metis and Locally Owned Retail Cannabis Store.

Our Products

Canna Cold Lake has taken great pride in selecting you the very best quality products. Providing the best product is very important to us and we will dedicate our time and efforts into listening to our customers to improve our service.

Our Mission

As the first Metis owned retail cannabis store (that we know of) Our mission is to provide to our customers a place to purchase clean and safe Cannabis and Cannabis Accessories provided through the AGLC.

Quality Product
Professional Service
Knowledgeable Staff
We Respect your Privacy

Looking for a Local Cannabis Store you can Trust?

You’re Not Alone. And We are Here to Help!

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